Gluten-Free Fried Chicken

Recipe by Kamoy Williams



Cook Time


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Serves 04

In the heat of summer, I always find myself craving the crispy saltiness of fried chicken accompanied by cold and refreshing lemonade. It’s a treat that’s both satisfying and equally nostalgic. I remember long days when we would head to the beach, Mom would start her chicken the day before so that we’d have perfectly crunchy chicken to snack on all day long. Seasoned overnight with a bouquet of beautiful herbs and citrus, then fried to perfection in the morning. This is my gluten-free play on my mom’s classic recipe. For all the comfort of home, with a little extra love to your tummy.


  1. 1

    After patting the chicken dry, season it with half the pepper, thyme leaves and lemon peel. Allow to sit for 15 minutes.

  2. 2

    While the chicken is marinating, heat the oil in a deep pan or pot over medium-high heat until it reaches 325°F.

  3. 3

    Once oil is hot, add 1-2 tsp of salt to the chicken. Massage it in until the salt is well distributed.

  4. 4

    In a mixing bowl, combine brown rice flour, cornstarch, Maggi seasoning and the remainder of spices.

  5. 5

    Place the mix in a kitchen safe bag, add the chicken to the bag, and toss well until all chicken is well coated in the rice flour blend.

  6. 6

    Slowly begin to place the chicken in the oil, 4-5 pieces at a time. Slowly dip the chicken into the oil, facing away from you to avoid splash back. Be careful not to overcrowd the pan so oil does not spill over onto the stove. Once pieces are loaded into the oil, allow to cook for approximately 20 minutes, until chicken has reached an internal temperature of 160°F. Repeat in steps until all chicken is cooked. If chicken is getting brown too quickly, the oil is too hot and the temperature needs to be reduced.

  7. 7

    Once the chicken is golden, crispy and fried to perfection, remove from oil and place onto a clean piece of paper towel to absorb excess oil. Sprinkle a dash of salt onto the chicken to finish.

  8. 8

    Allow to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy with your favorite salad, cheesy biscuit or delicious lemonade.

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